Life of a Bharatiya Chokri


Learner । मुसाफ़िर । Writer । भुक्कड़


ज़िन्दगी एक सफर है सुहाना


शब्दों के पहाड़ों पे लिखी है दास्ताँ


मेरी foodie किस्मत

मैं उड़ना चाहती हूँ,

दौड़ना चाहती हूँ,

गिरना भी चाहती हूँ,

बस रुकना नहीं चाहती।


About Me

I’m Aastha, just another 18-year old city girl who loves to read, write, eat and explore. I absolutely love the Humanities and Social Sciences and aspire to pursue a career related to History.

दिल मेरे, तू है एक बंजारा.


Get In Touch

  • Instagram: bharatiya_chokri
  • Zomato: Aastha Gaur

8 thoughts on “Life of a Bharatiya Chokri

  1. Not caring about ad revenue but just a place to share your thoughts and imparting your knowledge.
    You inspired me to write a blog.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You just getting amazing day by day and inspiring me every moment …..every single line is just so mesmorizing ….loved it❤


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